
Pre-bundled maps for Androsm

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This page offers ready to use map data for Androsm including map data of a set of regions and countries. I try to offer a good selection of regions to make using Androsm as easy as possible, so please do drop me a line if you would like to see other regions here or have any comments, suggestions or problems. As there are limited resources, I can't promise to include new regions though. However, it should be easy enough to build your own midlets with exactly the region you want with the help of Osm2GpsMid.

These midlets are updated about once a month to contain the latest data from OpenStreetMap.

To install Androsm on your phone, simply copy the .apk file to your device using for example a USB connection after which you can select the file for installation.

Some of the bundles can be quite large, 50 - 150 MB. The goal is to have no bundles which are larger than 300 MB. If you are seeing (performance) troubles, please try one of the smaller bundle. If you need a smaller bundle of your area, let me know and we will see if we can provide it.

City extracts

AreaFilesLast mod.Size
Amsterdam zip
Amsterdam/Rotterdam zip
Berlin zip
Boulder zip
Denver zip
Greater London zip
Hamburg zip
Helsinki zip
Karlsruhe zip
Köln/Bonn zip
Krakow/Katowice zip
Leipzig zip
Lodz zip
Los Angeles zip
Madrid zip
Milano/Bergamo zip
Moscow zip
München zip
New Orleans zip
New York City zip
Nürnberg zip
Paris jad - jar - zip
Praha zip
Rome zip
Stuttgart zip
St. Petersburg zip
Torino zip
Warsaw zip
Wien zip

State / Regional extracts

AreaFilesLast mod.Size
Australia, Northern Territory - South Australia zip
Australia, New South Wales zip
Australia, Victoria zip
Australia, Western Australia zip
Australia, Queensland zip
Canada, British Columbia zip
Canada, Ontario zip
German states (Bundesländer) Try the user generated Midlets    
Germany, Bayern zip
Germany, Rhein-Main (Giessen - Heidelberg) zip
Germany, Ruhrgebiet zip
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein zip
India, South zip
Italy, North zip
Italy, Central zip
Italy, South zip
Japan, Northern part zip
Japan, Central part zip
Japan, Southern part zip
Norway, South zip
Russia, european part zip
UK, Midlands and Northern England zip
UK, South West England zip
UK, South Scotland zip
USA, Bay Area zip
USA, Colorado zip

Big area extracts

AreaFilesLast mod.Size
Africa, Northwestern part zip
Africa, Northeastern part zip
Africa, Central part zip
Africa, Southern part zip
Asia, Arabian Peninsula zip
Asia, Central zip
Asia, Near East zip
Asia, South East zip
Central America zip
South America, Northern part zip

Country extracts

AreaFilesLast mod.Size
Afghanistan zip
Albania zip
Argentina zip
Australia zip
Austria zip
Belarus zip
Belgium zip
Bosnia-Herzegovina zip
Brazil zip
Bulgaria zip
Chile zip
China zip
Colombia zip
Croatia zip
Czech Republic zip
Denmark zip
Estonia zip
Finland zip
Greece zip
Hungary zip
Iceland zip
India zip
Indonesia zip
Iran zip
Ireland zip
Israel and Palestine zip
Korea, North and South zip
Kosovo zip
Latvia zip
Lithuania zip
Luxembourg zip
Macedonia zip
Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei zip
Malta zip
Moldova zip
Mongolia zip
Netherlands zip
New Zealand zip
Pakistan zip
Philippines zip
Poland zip
Portugal zip
Romania zip
Slovakia zip
Slovenia zip
Spain zip
Sri Lanka zip
Sweden zip
Switzerland zip
Taiwan zip
Turkey zip
Ukraine zip

Download statistics: Download log, Top Ten
Last updated: 2013-10-05 --- Androsm is licensed under GPLv2. --- OpenStreetMap is licensed under ODbL.
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